May 29, 2013
And we're off ... #BEA13!
It's here! It's finally HERE!
This morning Gabrielle and I will be boarding our train and headed to NYC for 3 intense, book-filled days (and one day of sight-seeing!). We'll be tweeting, posting pictures and whatnot while we're at BEA and other, so make sure you're following us:
Hannah: @irish_banana
Gabrielle: @GabrielleLayman
Also check out #BEA13 on twitter for all the fun. If you're not already involved in ArmchairBEA, then I suggest you get on board!
Expect a massive recap when we get back!
May 24, 2013
Free Book Feature: I'm Not Her by Janet Gurtler
I recently fell in love with Janet Gurtler when I read and reviewed How I Lost You. This week iTunes decided to recognize the awesomeness of Janet by offering a free copy of I'm Not Her in the iBookstore. Today Janet was kind enough to share 10 Fun Facts about I'm Not Her:
Fun Facts About I’m Not Her by Janet Gurtler
- In a hospital scene in I’m Not Her one of the nurses is named Tracey and she takes Kristina’s flowers home to her daughter, Carly. Tracey is the name of my sister, Carly is her daughter in real life.
- Every single one of my books has a character named Carly in it. This is a tribute to my niece, Carly. The characters are not based on her per se, but there has to be a Carly in my books. Like a superstition or good luck charm or something.
- This book is dedicated to my sister Tracey. I was able to keep it a secret until Final Page Proofs came in.
- My niece Ciara plays volleyball and her nickname is CEE. She got recruited by a university in the States and is playing there. None of the volleyball players in the book were based on her though. She is a cool like a rock star.
- I thought Clark Trent was a funny name because of Superman’s secret identity. The Superman cape Clark wears in a scene cracked me up.
- I named a couple of the teachers in I’m Not Her after dogs I’ve had. Peppsy (Mr. Pepson) and Meeko (Mr. Meekers)
- In a scene Tess listens to Hedly on her iPod. I LOVE Jacob, the lead singer for the band. He was on the only season of Canadian Idol I watched.
- I named the golf course that Nick works at and Tess’s Dad plays at after my husband. Largurt (Larry Gurtler)
- I’m Not Her was originally called The Weight of Bones, but when I first started writing it I titled it Dance Big Sister.
- Tess’s love of the Discovery Channel and Myth Busters were inspired by my son
Make sure you stop by the iBooks store to get your free download copy of I'm Not Her before May 28!
Tess is the exact opposite of her beautiful, athletic sister. And that’s okay. Kristina is the sporty one, Tess is the smart one, and they each have their place. Until Kristina is diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly Tess is the center of the popular crowd, everyone eager for updates. There are senior boys flirting with her. Yet the smiles of her picture-perfect family are cracking and her sister could be dying. Now Tess has to fill a new role: the strong one. Because if she doesn’t hold it together, who will?
book feature
May 22, 2013
Blog Tour: Goddess by Josephine Angelini
2013 will be the year that kills me because so many of my favorite series are ending. I fell in love with the Starcrossed series in 2011. It has been an emotional, turbulent ride with lots of actions (and quite a bit of kissing) along the way. I'm so sad to see this series draw to a close, but I am thrilled to have a chance to talk to Josephine Angelini about this series and what it means to say goodbye to Helen, Lucas, and many other characters I will miss more than I can say.
~The Interview~
1. The Starcrossed series has been one of my favorites to read, but how does it feel as the author to say goodbye to characters that you created?
I did a lot of theater growing up, and the final performance always felt like goodbye. But with books it’s different. With a play, the show ends, the cast goes their separate ways and that’s that. But with a book, I’m finding that it’s never really gone. New readers discover the series every day, and their excitement keeps all three books right in the front of my mind.
2. Which book was your favorite to write?
Oooh, tough question. Godess was the easiest to write. It just spilled out of me and barely needed any revision—after all, I’d spent two years with this ending crouched in the back of my mind. But Starcrossed was the most thrilling. It was the first book I ever wrote, and giving myself permission to be a writer, getting over my fear and really going for it, and hang the consequences, was such a special experience.
3. If you could have lunch with two of the characters you’ve created in this series, who would pick and why?
Well, Noel—if she’s cooking! But Daphne is the one I really want to sit down with. I have a lot of questions for that chick.
4. If you could talk to Josie Angelini from 3 years ago is there any advice you would give a younger, less experienced you?
I’d tell her to pace herself. Every career has a thousand twists and turns, and you can’t rush through any of it, so take it one mile at a time.
5. What are you currently working on?
I’m working on two things, actually. Talk about telling myself not to rush, right? Geeze, maybe I should take my own advice, but I’ve finished the first book in a new series I’m tentatively calling CRUCIBLE, and another project that I can’t discuss just yet.
6. Are there any books coming out this year you’re excited to read?
Yes! Tessa Gratton’s THE LOST SUN, and Amy Plum’s IF I SHOULD DIE, and Tara Hudson’s ELEGY, and Anna Carey’s new book BLACKBIRD. There’s a ton more, but those are the one’s I have to read right now.
Thank you SO much, Josie!
~The Author~
Josephine Angelini is a Massachusetts native and the youngest of eight siblings. A real-live farmer's daughter, Josie graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in theater, with a focus on the classics. She now lives in Los Angeles with her husband.
~The Series~
The Starcrossed series by Josephine Angelini
Available Now!!
~The Giveaway~
~The Tour~
Monday, May 20th - Starryeyed Reviews
Tuesday, May 21st – fiktshun
Wednesday, May 22nd – The Irish Banana
Thursday, May 23rd – YA Bibliophile
Friday, May 24th – Supernatural Snark
Monday, May 27th - Birth of a new Witch
Tuesday, May 28th – Refracted Light Reviews
Wednesday, May 29th – Tales of a Ravenous Reader
Thursday, May 30th – Hobbitsies
Friday, May 31st – Reading Teen
Monday, June 3rd - Parajunkee
Tuesday, June 4th – Buried in Books
Wednesday, June 5th – Candace Book Blog
Thursday, June 6th – Alison Can Read
Friday, June 7th – Book Twirps
blog tour,
May 21, 2013
BEABlitz: HarlequinTEEN
Ask anyone who attended BEA in past years and they can attest to the massive crowd that the HarlequinTEEN hour amasses. I was fortunate enough to attend both last year and it was an absolute dream mkeeting several of my favorite authors in one fell swoop. Today I have the amazingly kind Lisa from HarlequinTEEN, who was gracious enough to share some of her past experiences, offer some sound advice and give us a glimpse into what HarlequinTEEN has in store for BEA goers this year!
1.) How many years have you attended BEA?
This upcoming BEA 2013 will be my third year in attendance.
2.) How would you compare BEA to other book conferences/events?
I’ve actually only been to RWA (Romance Writers of America Conference), which are both completely different events. In comparison, BEA is much like you would expect a conference to be: it is held in a very large hall (the Javits Center), there are many booths and a lot of catalog’s/brochures. However, don’t think that means it is dull; for anyone who loves the written word, it is a book paradise.
3.) Any suggestions for how bloggers/librarians should approach publishers at BEA? (I will admit I just stood around staring at booths until someone approached me because I was shy about it.)
Be nice, up front and honest with any questions you may have. I would suggest first asking if there is someone in the booth who could address you specific questions, that way you are placed with the correct person right away.
4.) How much planning goes into an event like this for you and your coworkers?
A lot of planning is involved for BEA. We start in January and don’t stop until it ends on Saturday, June 1st.
5.) Are there any titles from HarlequinTEEN you're excited will be at BEA this year?
Our teen authors are always a great draw! This year we will be having Katie McGarry and some of the first finished copies of DARE YOU TO (June 2013), debut author Amanda Sun will be signing copies of INK, and Julie Kagawa will be signing copies of THE ETERNITY CURE (May 2013).
Thanks, Lisa!
Be sure to check out the signings going on at HarlequinTEEN during BEA:
Be sure to check out the signings going on at HarlequinTEEN during BEA:
Booth#: 1238
Harlequin TEEN hour: Friday, May 31, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Katie McGarry, signing copies of DARE YOU TO
Julie Kagawa, signing copies of THE ETERNITY CURE
Elizabeth Scott, signing copies of HEARTBEAT
Amanda Sun, signing copies of INK
Big author signing: Saturday, June 1, 10:00-11:30 am
Katie McGarry, signing copies of DARE YOU TO
Julie Kagawa, signing copies of THE ETERNITY CURE
Elizabeth Scott, signing copies of HEARTBEAT
Amanda Sun, signing copies of INK
bea blitz
May 19, 2013
BEA Blitz: Kat Zhang
Last year Kat Zhang was a debut author promoting copies of What's Left of Me. This year Kat will return to BEA not only promoting the much-anticipated sequel, Once We Were, but also as a kick start for the YAGB Tour. Even if you can't catch Kat at BEA, make sure you see her (and some friends) at one of the tour stops in June.
2.)What was it like being a debut author last year?
It was fantastic! I fell so much in love with BEA--all those writers and readers and publishing people. The book energy was wonderful. It was awesome to meet my agent and editor for the first time, as well as others at HarperCollins. I was amazed every time someone mentioned having read and enjoyed my book (this was just after ARCs first went out!). I was lucky enough to have had WHAT'S LEFT OF ME chosen as a BEA Buzz book, so I got to go hear my editor talk about the book on a panel, as well as do a panel and signing myself. It was the best time, ever :)
3.) When you aren't signing books, are you hopping in line to meet authors? Or passed out in the back from exhaustion?
I definitely went to a few signings, and spent a lot of time just wandering the floor with other authors. I wanted to see everything I could!
4.) What's your favorite BEA memory?
Oooh, I dunno! Probably just getting to hang out with my editor and agent in general :)
5.) This year BEA kicks off the start of the YAGB Tour for you and a few of your friends: Tell everyone a little bit about this tour and where than can catch you if they miss you at BEA.
You can learn more about the tour at our tumblr:
Basically, though, it's a ~2.5 week, 7 city tour starting at BEA in NYC and covering NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Grand Rapids, and Chicago. Erin Bowman, Susan Dennard, Sarah Maas, and I will be doing signings (open to everyone!) at each city, as well as organizing free writing workshops for writers aged 13-22! We hope to see many readers there :)
bea blitz
May 17, 2013
BEA Tips & Tricks: Part 8
Tips & Tricks -
Part 8: Schedule Mania
This is something BEA enthusiasts, book lovers, and
attendees have been avidly awaiting. That blessed moment when you realize the
author signing schedule has been posted and you can start formulating a plan of
action. It’s also the time you feel like your stomach’s going to fall out of
your butt because you realize there is no freaking way you can be in 20 places
at once.
Everyone has their own way of planning. Their own way of
attacking BEA, if you will. Some just go and wander and see what happens.
Others plan to the nth degree and wind up having a mental breakdown when their
plans get shot to hell. The vast majority of us fall between those two.
Last year I procrastinated and kept saying I had plenty
of time and then two weeks before I went to BEA (when I told myself I would
start making a legit schedule), my personal life shifted into mega overdrive. I
wound up with a new job which meant I had to quit my old job, had my wisdom
teeth removed, and my brother opted to get married in a whirlwind flash—we
seriously threw a wedding together in 2 ½ weeks the end of May/beginning of
I started a schedule and never touched it because my life
got so chaotic, there was no way I could take the time to finish. Thankfully
someone awesome (Julia) sent me a copy of her schedule which I mooched off of,
and I managed to fumble my way through BEA last year.
This year I’ve already started my color-coded schedule
that will hopefully help me retain what precious scraps of sanity I have left.
Several other bloggers have made awesome schedule tips posts, and I’ll link to
those at the end of this. This is my take on the schedule.
It is so easy to look at that glorious BEA schedule in
front of you and start happily clicking signings you want to attend. Then you
get to the last page and realize you’ve clicked over 100 books you want to get
This is fantastic! You will get 100 books signed by
authors you love!
Wait, a second. You want to attend 6 signings from
11:00-11:30 on Thursday. No problem, right? You just can’t hang and chat with
the authors for a while. You need to keep jumping from line to line to line to—
Not gonna happen, my friend. It’s not gonna happen. For every signing you want to go to there will be
another 50-250 people in line. And did I mention there’s limited copies of
these books authors are signing? And that in the autographing area they really
do make the author stop signing when their time is up, even if there’s still
100 people in line and more than enough books for everyone?
This is why you need a plan going into BEA and why you
need to prioritize.
2. Check
Your Priorities
There are so many incredible authors I want to meet at
BEA. Fact is, unless I bring my handy dandy cloning machine, I will not meet
all of them. For example, on 5/31 Kat Zhang, Susan Dennard, Erin Bowman, Katie
Cotugno, Joelle Charbonneau, Rick Riordan, and Richelle Mead are all signing at
10:30, most of them for only 30 minutes.
Unless there is a sudden BEA plague and I am the only one
there that day, I cannot hit all those signings. Despite my intense love for
each and every one of those authors, it won’t happen.
The key is to figure out which one signing I want to hit the most. And then the second most
important one, and so on. And there is nothing wrong with having 6 possible
signings to go to at one time as long as you realize you can’t make them all.
3. Overschedule
Your Heart Out
I habitually overschedule myself at BEA. I have 6-7
signings at the same time. This way if I can’t make one, I have a backup. If I
get done a signing, I scope out the others I was interested and hopefully join
in on the fun.
There is so much going on at BEA, it is damn near
impossible to keep it all straight. Don’t try to make yourself remember
everything. Make a schedule and keep it handy.
This is just a quick overview, but check out these
awesome schedule posts others have made:
Bewitched Bookworms
Poisoned Rationality
Bewitched Bookworms
Poisoned Rationality
May 16, 2013
BEA Blitz: Little, Brown & Company
When I was at BEA last year, the first booth I went to (by chance) was the Hatchette Group, specifically the Little, Brown & Co. booth. It quickly became one of my favorite places. They had great signings, a ton of galley drops, and always someone waiting to talk books. I also met Faye, a publicist I had emailed with several times and have continued a relationship with. Faye is fantastic and agree to share some highlights of past BEA's and what you can expect this year.
1.) How many years have you attended BEA?
2013 will be my fourth BEA. Time flies! Back in 2010 I went as a spectator, and in 2011 and 2012 I was with Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.
2.) How would you compare BEA to other book conferences/events?
Wow. Well, BEA is the biggest trade marketing conference in publishing, and we see a lot of booksellers, librarians, journalists and (of course!) book bloggers. That's a lot of combined enthusiasm for authors and books! The sheer volume of people gives the conference a great energy – librarian conferences are typically more focused (by geographical region, on educators, on school librarians). At BEA there's something for everyone, and we want attendees to learn and get excited about our upcoming books.
3.) Any suggestions for how bloggers/librarians should approach publishers at BEA? (I will admit I just stood around staring at booths until someone approached me because I was shy about it.)
No need to be shy—the best point of entry is to ask a question or comment on one of the books on display. "What are you most excited about this season?" is always a good one, or "I love Jessica Darling, can you tell me more about these new middle grade books?" We're here to talk! Honestly, the best part about BEA for me is getting to chat with other people who love books. If it's an especially busy time (say, during author signings) you can always come back when it quiets down.
4.) How much planning goes into an event like this for you and your staff?
It's the biggest single event that we do, and because so many different people attend BEA, pretty much every person is all hands on deck. Marketing takes care of booth experience—layout of the booth, the furniture, swag, timed ARC giveaways, etc.—along with advertising and promotion. Publicity works on author events, like signings in the autographing area or in the booth, as well any off-site entertaining. We start planning as early as January—and maybe a bit before that!
I'm always excited about books :) Holly Black's THE COLDEST GIRL IN COLDTOWN is our big YA book this fall (eep, haven't finished it yet), but I'm really excited about A.S. King's REALITY BOY, which is about a boy who spent his early childhood on a reality TV show like Supernanny or Nanny 911. As you might guess, his already dysfunctional family just gets more dysfunctional. And in true A.S. King fashion, she makes you sad and angry and hopeful all at once. Another is ROOMIES by Sara Zarr and Tara Altebrando, told from the perspectives of two girls who are assigned to be each other's college roommates. They strike up a correspondence over the summer, and change each other's lives before they even meet! It's a brilliant book about friendship and growing up.
bea blitz
May 15, 2013
Review: If I Should Die by Amy Plum
Title: If I
Should Die
Author: Amy
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication Date:
Pages: 405
Genre: Paranormal
Series: Revenants #3
Source: ARC
from publisher
Rating: A-
Summary (from Goodreads):
I will not lose another person I love. I will not let history repeat
Vincent waited lifetimes to find me, but in an instant our future together was shattered. He was betrayed by someone we both called a friend, and I lost him. Now our enemy is determined to rule over France’s immortals, and willing to wage a war to get what they want.
It shouldn’t be possible, none of it should be, but this is my reality. I know Vincent is somewhere out there, I know he’s not completely gone, and I will do anything to save him.
After what we’ve already fought to achieve, a life without Vincent is unimaginable. He once swore to avoid dying—to go against his nature and forsake sacrificing himself for others—so that we could be together. How can I not risk everything to bring my love back to me?
Vincent waited lifetimes to find me, but in an instant our future together was shattered. He was betrayed by someone we both called a friend, and I lost him. Now our enemy is determined to rule over France’s immortals, and willing to wage a war to get what they want.
It shouldn’t be possible, none of it should be, but this is my reality. I know Vincent is somewhere out there, I know he’s not completely gone, and I will do anything to save him.
After what we’ve already fought to achieve, a life without Vincent is unimaginable. He once swore to avoid dying—to go against his nature and forsake sacrificing himself for others—so that we could be together. How can I not risk everything to bring my love back to me?
If I Should Die Amy Plum puts another
of my favorite YA series’ to rest. I first fell in love with these amazingly
vibrant and brilliant characters Plum created three years ago and I’m still
just as in love with them today. After a shocking twist at the end of book 2, I
genuinely worried this book would be a failure for me. I’m so happy that it was
everything I wanted and more.
and Vincent still make me swoon. They are still one of my favorite YA romances.
This was really Kate’s book to shine though, and while the evolution of her
character was completely predictable, I still enjoyed the ride nonetheless.
Plum has this fantastic way of writing that makes me nod and happily go along
with whatever she throws out. This series also has one of the best supporting
cast of characters I’ve read in a long time. They pick up the slack when one of
the leads gets to be a little too much.
end felt a bit rushed to me. I got about 3/4 of the way through this and
realized Plum was actually going to try and resolve everything in 50 pages or
less. While everything was resolved, I wish there would have been a little more
elaboration and time spent. Also, I’m a girl who likes to linger with her
favorite characters after the battle is won and everyone is reflecting. It’s my
version of post-climax cuddling with my characters. My cuddle time was cut
the end of the day this is another fantastic series I am sad to see come to a
close in 2013. I fell in love with Kate, Vincent, the Revenant, and Paris. I
think if I ever go to Paris one day I’ll always be looking for these characters
that Plum brought to life in my head.
paranormal romance
Waiting on Wednesday (43)
"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly event, hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly waiting to get into our hands.
This week I'm waiting on....
By: Simone Elkeles

After getting kicked out of boarding school, bad boy Derek Fitzpatrick has no choice but to live with his ditzy stepmother while his military dad is deployed. Things quickly go from bad to worse when he finds out she plans to move them back to her childhood home in Illinois. Derek’s counting the days before he can be on his own, and the last thing he needs is to get involved with someone else’s family drama.
Ashtyn Parker knows one thing for certain--people you care about leave without a backward glance. A football scholarship would finally give her the chance to leave. So she pours everything into winning a state championship, until her boyfriend and star quarterback betrays them all by joining their rival team. Ashtyn needs a new game plan, but it requires trusting Derek—someone she barely knows, someone born to break the rules. Is she willing to put her heart on the line to try and win it all?
Why I Want It:
If you follow me on twitter or Facebook, you know I am obsessed with this book and since the cover reveal was last Friday (seriously - gaze at the gloriousness of it, people!), I've been dying to share this with you.
I'm a huge Simone Elkeles fan. In truth, I don't know that I would even be blogging right now if I hadn't picked up a copy of Perfect Chemistry several years ago. That book totally changed how I reviewed YA books. It's edgy and tough and dark. I loved every second of it.
Ever since I read the synopsis of this book I've wanted it because it combines two things I adore: Simone and football. I am dying to get my hands on a copy of this book and you should be, too!
waiting on wednesday
May 14, 2013
Review: How I Lost You by Janet Gurtler
Title: How I
Lost You
Author: Janet
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Publication Date:
Pages: 309
Genre: Contemporary
Series: No
Source: eARC
from publisher
Rating: A
Summary (from Goodreads):
There are a few things Grace Anderson knows for sure. One is that
nothing will ever come between her and her best friend, Kya Kessler. They have
a pact. Buds Before Studs. Sisters Before Misters. But in the summer before
senior year, life throws out challenges they never expected. And suddenly the
person who's always been there starts to need the favor returned. Grace and Kya
are forced to question how much a best friend can forgive. And the answer is
not what they expected.
How I Lost You by Janet Gurtler was
like that eerie feeling you get when someone crawled into your head and put
your own memories to paper. Like Grace, I had my own best friend growing up that
I gradually grew estranged from until I could barely see what remained of our
friendship in the distance. I learned the hard lesson that sometimes you can do
everything right and it still just isn’t enough. Like the journey Grace embarks
on in this novel.
is a fantastically bright, vibrant character that I quickly grew to love. She
has this energy that is infectious and she’s one of the few YA characters that
acted her age without making me furious. She was occasionally whiny and melodramatic,
but nothing I wouldn’t expect from a typical teenager. All these flaws made her
a stronger, more realistic character.
on the other hand, grated my nerves almost from the jump. When I understood a
bit more of her backstory, I was sympathetic. But there was a point when my
sympathy ran out and I just wanted her to accept responsibility for the
disasters she had created. Maybe because I lived this life before, I wanted
desperately to see the outcome I never got.
friend I mentioned earlier and I never reconciled. Our relationship simply
couldn’t survive the strains it underwent and as a teenager I didn’t know how
to fix what was broken. I won’t say how things turn out for Grace and Kya—you’ll
have to discover that for yourself. What I can say is that How I Lost You was my first Gurtler book, but I can assure you it
won’t be my last. Gurtler has a beautiful way of telling a story that breaks
your heart and pieces it back together again. It’s easy to see why Gurtler is a
darling on the YA world. She’s certainly made a fan out of me.
Buy: Amazon | The Book Depository
May 13, 2013
BEA Blitz: Sourcebooks
Everywhere I went in the Javits Center last year, I saw the Sourcebooks sign. Big, bright, and orange, it hung form the ceiling like a beacon that constantly called to me. I loved popping by their booth to see what they had in store and today Derry, an amazing publicist you need to say hi to, gave me the inside scoop on what the Sourcebooks booth has coming this year!
This will be my seventh year at BEA to represent a publisher, and my third year with Sourcebooks! Of course, when I was a publicity assistant, I managed to “attend” BEA by helping to set up the booth. Actually, the very first time I visited the conference, a friend from another publishing house snuck me in by giving me the already-used badge of one of her authors. So, for about an hour or two, I got to be some PhD who had written a sex guide!
2.) How would you compare BEA to other book conferences/events?
What I truly love about BEA is the absolute enthusiasm you see for books. Everyone you meet has a bit of a live wire inside them, and you can hear that excitement when they talk about the people they’ve met or the books and authors they’ve been introduced to. It’s not that the excitement is any less at other conferences – it’s just seems a lot bigger at BEA. Plus, this is the one tradeshow where publishers bring out all the stops – so you have really big names in the industry appearing practically every single hour of the show.
3.) Any suggestions for how bloggers/librarians should approach publishers at BEA? (I will admit I just stood around staring at booths until someone approached me because I was shy about it.)
My best advice is to just say “hi!” When you approach someone working at the booth, it’s best to come prepared with an introduction (I’m an online reviewer of YA books; I’m a children’s librarian, etc.) and a specific question (Do you have a schedule of author signings? Can I talk with someone about getting on a review list? Where can I get a copy of (Title)?) That way they know if they can answer your question, or if they should ask for your card because the person who can answer your question is out of the booth/busy with meeting. And yes, please have some sort of business card that you can leave that has your name, email address, your business (Library, Blog with URL), and your mailing address.
4.) How much planning goes into an event like this for you and your staff?
Our tradeshow team spends an entire year planning for BEA! It starts right after the previous tradeshow ends, where our employees offer feedback on what worked at the show, what didn’t, and what new things we could be doing. After that, you have budget planning, an enormous amount of time spent on creating the designs for the booth, the marketing items that will be given away – catalogs, postcards, bookmarks, magnets, pitching authors for events, planning for signings, scheduling the ARCs we need printed to be available for giveaways. It’s a full-time job!
5.) Are there any titles from Sourcebooks you're excited will be at BEA this year?
I am in fangirl-heaven about the authors and books we’ll have at BEA this year. You MUST COME by to grab an ARC and totebag for The Snatchabookby Helen Docherty and Thomas Docherty, a heartwarming picture book about an elusive creature is snatching all the books from Burrow Down because he has no one to read to him. We got all teary-eyed when the editor, Steve Geck, read it to us.
I’m so excited that award-winning actress Jessica Lange will be signing at our booth; we are publishing a beautiful picture book with Ms. Lange’s very own photographs called It Is About A Little Bird this fall. David Adler, everyone’s favorite author of the Cam Jansen series, will be introducing his first new children’s book character in almost a DECADE; he’s signing ARCs of Danny’s Doodles: The Jelly Bean Experience. We also have New York Times and USA Today bestselling author CJ Lyons who makes her YA debut this fall with Broken, a fast-paced thriller about a terminally ill teenager whose first week in a normal school might be more dangerous than her illness. Another signer will be Mari Mancusi, the award-winning author of the Blood Coven vampires series, who has written Scorched, the first novel in a powerful new series in which a Texas teenager must protect a baby dragon from soldiers from the future, but risks sacrificing the Earth and everyone she loves to a fiery dragon war. We want to be the Source-of-Awesome for BEA this year, and this line-up is just the beginning!
bea blitz
May 10, 2013
BEA Blitz: Lindsi @ Books, Sweets, & Other Treats
You all know Lindsi, the genius behind Books, Sweets & Other Treats. You might not know that you know her, but you do. Lindsi is somewhat infamous in the blogging world, especially when it comes to BEA. See, she's the girl that actually got bit over a book at BEA. She's here to recount her story one more time as well as answer a few other questions!
1. How many years have
you attended BEA?
I have attended BEA the
last two years.
2. Tell us about your
now infamous biting incident:
Hah! Well, that made my first BEA experience very interesting. I didn’t really know what I was doing, so I was a
little shocked when people started stampeding after they opened the doors. I
tried to get out of the way, but it’s really hard not to get bumped and hit.
You just have to go with the flow.
People, not nice
people, will push and shove to get what they want. It doesn’t matter that
publishers are nice enough to give away
free copies of upcoming books. Greedy people will always be greedy. I looked up
a lot at the convention center, so I could follow the signs and not get lost.
That didn’t help me avoid running into people, lol. You’d have to be a demigod
to dash in and out unseen, and still come out with what you wanted.
When I saw Carrie
Jones’ book After Obsession I got
excited. (I love her books!) I waited in something that resembled a line, and
seemed to be moving in a somewhat forward direction. When I got to the front, I
reached out to grab a copy and felt pressure on my arm. At first I thought
someone had grabbed me to hold him or herself up, but the pressure turned into
pain. There were little sharp pricks on my skin. When I turned to look, I saw
that someone’s mouth was attached to
my arm. Obviously, I freaked out and tried to jerk my arm away. Even more
shocking was who it was. She looked
like an innocent old lady. I, however, know the truth. She’s not a nice old
lady that bakes cookies.
After biting me, the
old woman proceeded to grab a handful of copies from the stack and then went on
her merry way. I think I was in shock for a few minutes, because I couldn’t
believe someone would actually do that.
All throughout the week
I heard crazy stories of the girl who had
been bitten. A lot of people saw it happen, but I didn’t think anything of
it. There were rumors that I’d had to go to the hospital, and that she’d given
me rabies. Zombie theories were also tossed around. I would be standing in line
and hear someone start talking about it. Sometimes I corrected people, and
sometimes I didn’t. It definitely made the trip more interesting and memorable.
My friend, Kate (Verb
Vixen) made shirts that said “Bitten at BEA” that we wore the following year.
She’s the best.
3. Do you make a
schedule for BEA? If so, how tightly do you stick to it?
Yes! I’m a little OCD, so I make super organized and
detailed schedules. I start by writing down all of the events, panels,
signings, etc., that I want to go to, and then I fill them in according to the
day/time on the spreadsheet. I don’t use anything fancy, just Excel, and it
works wonderfully! I also use various colors to code the different events.
There may be something that occurs on more than one day, so if I can’t make it
the first time, there’s still hope! I also mark the ones that I HAVE to go to
no matter what.
4. What's your favorite
BEA memory?
Oh dear... This is such
a difficult question! I have so many fond memories from my two BEA experiences.
Last year Erica (The Book Cellar) and I stayed with Kate (Verb Vixen), and had
a blast! I can’t even begin to count the memories we made just at her
apartment. “YOLO!” Those are two
friendships I will treasure for the rest of my life. I also have amazing
memories with a few of my favorite authors, but most of those contain secrets
that I’ve promised not to share. ;)
Getting to meet
different authors, publishers, and fellow book lovers is one of the best things
about BEA. I get to be around the people who get me. They understand the consuming need to constantly read books
and talk about them.
One of my favorite
memories if from my first year at BEA, when I made stick figures out of a few
of my friends that couldn’t go. Capillya (That Cover Girl), Jen (Makeshift
Bookmark), and Ginger (G-Reads). I took pictures of the stick figures around
New York and BEA so it was like they were there when they couldn’t be. That’s
how Jen met Jeri Smith-Ready for the first time! I
I also enjoyed spending
a day to myself. I toured New York (on my second visit, so I had an idea what I
was doing, lol) and visited different museums across the city. It was amazing.
I tried octopus, bought a wig and went dancing,
took a nap in central park, saw Shakespeare in the Park (AMAZING), hugged and
flirted with half-naked angels, met Chris Colfer from GLEE, had coffee and
lunch with authors, went to different publishing houses, saw the Harry Potter
exhibit, laughed, made friends...the list is endless. I have done so many
things at BEA in such a short amount of time. I would suggest packing
comfortable clothes and shoes, because you’ll be going nonstop!
5. What advice would you give to people going to
BEA for the first time?
I know I just said I make a crazy
organized schedule, but try not to live
by the schedule. You should be adventurous, try new things, and definitely meet
people you never thought possible. I always find it a little exhilarating to
meet the authors that write the books that I love. There’s no better person to
talk about that book with. Sometimes they even share a little extra
information. Try not to have any regrets. Have fun, do what you want to do
most, and everything else will fall into place.
bea blitz
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