Aug 31, 2016


Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for THE THOUSANDTH FLOOR! Today I have Katharine McGee here to answer a few questions so we can get to know her better!

Last trip you took:
My most recent trip was to New York City for the wedding of a college friend! I’m now located in Philadelphia, but I lived and worked in New York for five years, and I miss it so much. Every time I go back it feels the same, even though I know it’s constantly changing—but I think that’s just the magic of New York.

Last thing that made you smile:
Singing! My whole family is musically gifted… except for me. I admit that I’m truly a terrible singer, but that doesn’t stop me from belting along with every pop, country, Broadway, and Disney song I hear. Whenever my sister and I are together, we sing together—in the car, in the kitchen, blowdrying our hair. You should see us at karaoke!

Favorite quote:
“A life without stories would be no life at all.”—Alexander McCall Smith
This is unquestionably my favorite quote of all time. I actually wrote my application essays for college and my master’s program about it! I firmly believe this—that stories are what make us human, and that they make us better, because they help us understand the perspective of someone else. Each time we read a story and empathize with the character, we learn something about another person’s life and experience. And hopefully we learn something new about ourselves, too.

Favorite place in the world:
I studied French in college—I used to be fluent, though I’m really out of practice these days!—and my favorite place has been Paris ever since. After all, there’s a reason that two of my characters go to Paris in The Thousandth Floor! I think it’s the most enchanting and beautiful city on earth. I would love to someday live there, and spend every day wandering the cobblestone streets of the Quartier Saint-Germain, eating fresh-baked croissants and drinking café au lait and listening as the people around me speak French.

Last emoticon you used:

My top-used emojis are the face with heart eyes and the taco (I’m from Texas!). Now that I think about it, I use those two together every time I get Mexican food, which is pretty often…

New York City as you’ve never seen it before. A thousand-story tower stretching into the sky. A glittering vision of the future, where anything is possible—if you want it enough.

Welcome to Manhattan, 2118.

A hundred years in the future, New York is a city of innovation and dreams. But people never change: everyone here wants something…and everyone has something to lose.

Leda Cole’s flawless exterior belies a secret addiction—to a drug she never should have tried and a boy she never should have touched.

Eris Dodd-Radson’s beautiful, carefree life falls to pieces when a heartbreaking betrayal tears her family apart.

Rylin Myers’s job on one of the highest floors sweeps her into a world—and a romance—she never imagined…but will her new life cost Rylin her old one?

Watt Bakradi is a tech genius with a secret: he knows everything about everyone. But when he’s hired to spy by an upper-floor girl, he finds himself caught up in a complicated web of lies.

And living above everyone else on the thousandth floor is Avery Fuller, the girl genetically designed to be perfect. The girl who seems to have it all—yet is tormented by the one thing she can never have.

Debut author Katharine McGee has created a breathtakingly original series filled with high-tech luxury and futuristic glamour, where the impossible feels just within reach. But in this world, the higher you go, the farther there is to fall….


Katharine McGee is from Houston, Texas. She studied English and French literature at Princeton and has an MBA from Stanford. It was during her years living in a second-floor apartment in New York City that she kept daydreaming about skyscrapers . . . and then she started writing. The Thousandth Floor is her first novel. You can visit her online at or on Twitter at @katharinemcgee .

LINKS: Website | Twitter

Tour Schedule:
Week 1:

Week 2:

3 Finished Copies of THE THOUSANDTH FLOOR (US Only)

Aug 29, 2016

Beauty Basics: Kat Von D & Influenster


So I've been toying with the idea of adding makeup and skincare reviews to the blog because in case you've missed it, I'm a bit obsessed with both (I even work part time at Ulta just for the discount and access to new products). So when Influenster sent me a box a free goodies to try for review, I figured there was no time like the present so ... Welcome to Beauty Basics!

In case you aren't familiar with Influenster, it's a free (yes, free) website where you can fill out surveys to win stuff. You do not have to be a blogger or vlogger or even all that active on social media to qualify (but it does help). It's awesome and I've gotten tons of free goodies and I'm not on there that much!

If you want to sign up:
*Fair notice: This is a referral link so I get points towards my impact score if you sign up with this code*

And now onto the review:

I've tried a few Kat Von D products here and there but never any of her skincare line (I've tried the tattoo liquid liner, everlasting liquid lipstick, and swatched some of the eyeshadows). This was definitely the most I've ever dabbled in KvD and I gotta admit - I LOVE it. This Lock-It line is phenomenal!

I was sent 5 goodies to try - 2 brushes, the translucent setting powder, and 2 Lock-It creme concealers (same formula but 2 colors as I filled out the survey and simply told them I'm PALE). I was sent shade Light 1 and Light 3 (there is one shade lighter - White, which is - surprise! - bone white). 

Honestly when I swatched Light 1 I thought it was too fair for me, even for concealer. I tried Light 3 first and was pretty happy with what I saw, but Light 1 is actually a much better shade for me, mostly because it's a bit more cool-toned and neutral whereas Light 3 is much warmer. The pic on the left shows Light 3 on top and Light 1 on bottom - you can see the differences in the two shades!

[Explanation: Cool-tone: pink undertones to your skin; Warm-tone: yellow undertone to your skin; Neutral: neither pink nor yellow]

Also included was the Lock-It translucent setting powder along with a setting brush both of which I now adore. The translucent powder is fantastic for setting my under eye concealer and pretty good for the rest of my makeup (my Laura Mercier translucent powder is my favorite by far).

[Tip: Setting your makeup, especially your under eye concealer with a translucent powder will help keep your makeup from creasing and breaking up throughout the day.]

The only womp-womp for me was the concealer brush. It just didn't blend out the concealer very well, especially because this is a thick, full coverage concealer. I needed a beauty sponge to blend it out perfectly.

Lastly, I have dry skin and this concealer dries matte. If you have dry skin make sure you use a nice hydrating eye cream prior to doing your makeup otherwise it may cause creasing and extra dryness. 

Overall I'm in love with this stuff. Truly, I adore it. And I can definitely see myself buying more concealer and translucent powder when I'm done.

If you want to check out any of these things yourself, Kat Von D is sold online and at Sephora (including Sephora Inside JCPenney).

Lock-It Setting Powder
Lock-It Concealer Creme 
Lock-It Edge Concealer Brush 
Lock-It Setting Powder Brush 

*Disclaimer: I received these products complimentary for testing and review purposes*

Aug 25, 2016

Fish Wielder: Excerpt & Giveaway

Chapter 1

It was the anniversary of something bad.
Thoral Mighty Fist, perhaps the toughest, most mysterious and manly fighter in all the mystical world of Grome, sat in the Inn of the Gruesomely Gashed Gnome in a dark corner,
weeping into his tankard of warm ale. He hated ale, especially when it was warm, although he’d been swilling the stuff since before breakfast. Now it was well after dinner, and all he’d eaten the entire day was a piece of dry toast and a couple of olives as black as his mood. He raised his mug for another bitter sip and the jeweled hilt of the magic broadsword, Blurmflard, poked him in the side like a reminder of past mistakes. It was awkward to sit at a table with a broadsword at your belt, but the mighty barbarian had kept Blurmflard with him at all times ever since the blade was lent to him by his wizard mentor, Yiz. He even slept with it.
As Thoral sat brooding and trying to adjust his position to more comfortably accommodate the blade, a twelve-inch-long orange koi fish walked into the bar on his tail fins. Standing in the entryway, the koi peered around the crowded, dim interior until his bulging eyes fell on Thoral. The fish frowned.
At six feet, Thoral was a head taller than most other human inhabitants of the world of Grome and was so powerfully built that he barely fit at the heavy wooden table at which he sat. He was dressed pirate-style, with a black leather vest buttoned over his otherwise bare chest, tight, plum-colored breeches and knee-high, iron-toed boots. A wide crimson belt bore the magic sword as well as an assortment of leather and velvet pouches. A less attractive or more effeminate man would never have been able to pull off such an outfit, but for Thoral it was no
problem. He had chiseled features and a head of thick, golden hair that curled to his massive shoulders. The few strands of gray made him even more handsome–in a seasoned and mature
way, of course. His glorious hair notwithstanding, his most striking feature was his piercing gaze. So intense, so smoldering was his stare, that those on the receiving end often felt the need
to look away for fear that they would catch fire. There was no word in Gromish for the vibrant purple color of his eyes, but they were violet.
The koi contemplated the warrior. Given his charisma, strength and fighting abilities, Thoral could easily have conquered his own kingdom. But Thoral didn’t seem to care about that
kind of thing. He mostly liked to drink and fight and brood and wander around in forests looking at trees. As the fish watched, the mighty warrior burped. The hot gas seemed to sear his manly nostrils so that he blinked as his striking violet eyes watered.
Thoral looked up from his drink and squinted around the bar to see if anyone had noticed his tears and if there was anyone worth fighting. He failed to detect the fish, who was hidden behind the legs of a passing barmaid. The other patrons were humans, except a few half-elves and a handful of drunken gnomes. He could take them all on single-handedly, but he knew from experience that he’d feel even worse after beating them. Especially the gnomes. It was better to do nothing, to sit and drink and wish things were different.
Thoral closed his eyes and hunched forward to lay his tawny-maned head on the table. The rough-hewn planks, though, smelled as if they had been wiped with a mildew-y rag, so he
sat back up. He fumbled in one of his many belt pouches for the last of his dried herbs, crushed them between his long, calloused fingers and inhaled their fading minty fragrance. It wasn’t quite strong enough to clear the lingering scent of the mildew.
As Thoral sniffled at his mint leaves, the fish sighed. Shaking his head, he stalked across the sticky floor on his tail fins. The barbarian noticed him with a wince.
“This is the end, Bradfast,” Thoral grumbled at the fish in his outlandish accent, his rough voice heavy with melancholy. Thoral tended to transpose the sounds of v and w and to pronounce th at the beginning of words as z because he was foreign.
“Here we go again,” Brad commented dryly, leaping up onto the bench and then the table. He picked his way across the tabletop and stopped before the warrior. “This isn’t the end,
Thoral. It’s just the beginning…or maybe the middle or something. The point is, it’s not over. It’s never over until you give up—or you’re dead.”
“I dost wonder about death,” the barbarian said, as if to himself. He also used outdated words like dost because he spoke High Gromish even though most everybody else spoke the low version. This was also because he was foreign. “Would it truly bring an end? Or just a transition to another world?”
“You’ve had too much to drink, Thoral,” the fish cautioned. “You always get morose when you drink. It’s time we get moving. Maybe go on another adventure or something.”
“I am tired of adventures,” the warrior sighed. “I wish only to go home.” He burped again, and the fish staggered back, blinking.
“Come on, pal. Let’s get out of here,” Brad suggested, fanning himself with a fin. “We’ll fight a monster or go on a quest or steal the jeweled eye from an idol or something. It’ll be fun.”
“My heart is too…” Thoral trailed off. “What is that word that means when something has substantial weight?”
“Heavy,” the fish supplied. Thoral always had trouble remembering that one.
“Heavy. Yes. My heart is too heavy for adventure,” Thoral complained.
“Well, maybe if we pick something really hard, you’ll get killed,” the fish offered.
“A hero’s death?” Thoral asked, perking up just a bit.
“Yeah, sure. A hero’s death.”
“And then I couldst be done with this world,” Thoral murmured.
“Exactly,” Brad affirmed.
“Then let us go,” Thoral said, “this very instant.” He slammed his drink down on the table so hard that some of the ale sloshed out of the tankard, splashing at the fish. The koi danced back, just missing a soaking.
“Up to bed first and we’ll hit the road in the morning,” Brad countered, stepping around the puddle of spilled drink.
“No, we will leave now.” There was a dangerous edge to the warrior’s tone that drew the attention of everyone in the room even though he had not raised his voice. The bar went silent.
“Look, Thoral,” the koi answered, “it’s getting late. I’m tired. You’re drunk. We could both use some sleep. Let’s not make a rash decision that might lead to all kinds of unexpected
Every eye turned to see the barbarian’s reaction. “We will leave now,” Thoral insisted. The warrior and the fish stared at each other.
“Be reasonable,” Brad tried again. “Just give me one good reason why we shouldn’t wait
until morning.”
“We will leave now,” the barbarian declared, “because I am Thoral Mighty Fist!
Everyone gasped. Brad sagged, defeated. Once Thoral noted that he was Thoral, there was no point in arguing further. Everyone knew it. That’s just how it was.
With that, Thoral drained his pewter tankard and crushed it one-handed. He got unsteadily to his feet, massive muscles rippling under sun-bronzed, battle-scarred skin, and
transferred Brad from the tabletop into a belt pouch. Then he tossed a gold coin to the hideously disfigured gnomish innkeeper to pay for the mug he’d ruined even though it couldn’t have been worth more than a few coppers. The gnome had been engrossed in restocking a spice rack over the bar, so the coin struck him in the head and then clattered to the floor. He stepped on it with his clubfoot before it rolled away and then pinched it between his stubby, ring-clad fingers.
“Many thanks, Fist Wielder,” the innkeeper croaked, his one eye glittering from his gashed face as the warrior strode past him. “Where are you headed now? Not to the Godforsaken
Swamp, I hope. You should steer clear of that place for a while. There is nothing there but death.”
“I am eager for it,” the barbarian whispered as he strode past the gnome, who frowned and wrung his tiny hands.
Thoral staggered from the bar into the dark, filthy street. Although it was well past sundown, the city was still bustling with all kinds of criminals and cutthroats and that sort of
riffraff. They all cleared out of the big barbarian’s way. Three figures, cloaked and hooded in the black robes of the Bad Religion, watched from the shadows as Thoral went to the tavern’s
hitching post to untie his massive tiger-striped steed, Warlordhorse. He fumbled with the knot, his fingers clumsy from the ale. He shook his head and tried again.
“Let us attack now,” the leader of the Dark Brothers whispered. “We will take him unawares.”
“Uh…are you sure?” one of his subordinates asked, his voice quavering. “Have you heard the stories about him?”
“We have our orders,” the leader countered tersely. “Besides, he is inebriated, there are three of us, and we have the ultimate advantage…” He trailed off, sliding a dagger from a fold of his robe. The curved blade was slick with oily, black poison. He leered at his minions for a moment, and they reluctantly drew their own poison-coated daggers. The three of them started toward the barbarian while he was distracted.
Thoral was still having no luck with Warlordhorse’s tether, and grew frustrated. He put his face close to the rope, trying to get a better look in the dim light of the moon, and made
another attempt. The Dark Brothers crept closer, raising their poisoned blades in unison. Just one scratch and Thoral would be paralyzed before he even felt the wound. Agonizing death would follow within hours, but not before they had had time to drag the warrior before the master of their order to find out how much Thoral knew of their plans.
The Dark Brothers closed in on the unsuspecting champion, swift and silent as death itself.© 2016 Jim Hardison

Fish Wielder is kind of like Lord of the Rings, set in Narnia, if it was written by the guys who made Monty Python and the Holy Grail while they were listening to the music of They Might Be Giants
In ancient times, the Dark Lord Mauron cooked the most powerful magic chocolate dessert ever made, the Pudding of Power. One thousand and two years later, the evil leader of the Bad Religion, the Heartless One, is trying to recover the lost pudding in order to enslave the peoples of Grome. Only the depressed barbarian warrior Thoral Might Fist and his best friend, Brad the talking Koi fish, have a chance to save the world of Grome from destruction, but that's going to take a ridiculous amount of magic and mayhem. Thus begins the epically silly epic fantasy of epic proportions, Fish Wielder—book one of the Fish Wielder Trilogy.

Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble  

Author J R R R Hardison :  
Jim has worked as a writer, screen writer, animator and director in entertainment and commercials since graduating from Columbia College of Chicago in 1988. He is the author of The Helm, which YALSA praised as one of 2010’s best graphic novels for young readers, and has directed animated commercial and entertainment projects, including spots for M&M's, AT&T, and Kellogg's. He co-founded Character LLC in 2000 and has given story advice to many of the world's largest brands, such as Target, Verizon, Samsung, McDonalds and Walmart, and has even appeared on NBC's "The Apprentice" as an expert adviser on brand characters. Jim lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, two kids and two dogs. Fish Wielder is his first novel.

1 winner will receive a $10 (USD) Amazon Gift Card and a copy of FISH WIELDER
*Gift card is open internationally, but FISH WIELDER can only be mailed to a US mailing address*

Aug 22, 2016

Release Week Blitz & Giveaway: FISH WIELDER

Fish Wielder is kind of like Lord of the Rings, set in Narnia, if it was written by the guys who made Monty Python and the Holy Grail while they were listening to the music of They Might Be Giants
In ancient times, the Dark Lord Mauron cooked the most powerful magic chocolate dessert ever made, the Pudding of Power. One thousand and two years later, the evil leader of the Bad Religion, the Heartless One, is trying to recover the lost pudding in order to enslave the peoples of Grome. Only the depressed barbarian warrior Thoral Might Fist and his best friend, Brad the talking Koi fish, have a chance to save the world of Grome from destruction, but that's going to take a ridiculous amount of magic and mayhem. Thus begins the epically silly epic fantasy of epic proportions, Fish Wielder—book one of the Fish Wielder Trilogy.

Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble  

Author J R R R Hardison :  
Jim has worked as a writer, screen writer, animator and director in entertainment and commercials since graduating from Columbia College of Chicago in 1988. He is the author of The Helm, which YALSA praised as one of 2010’s best graphic novels for young readers, and has directed animated commercial and entertainment projects, including spots for M&M's, AT&T, and Kellogg's. He co-founded Character LLC in 2000 and has given story advice to many of the world's largest brands, such as Target, Verizon, Samsung, McDonalds and Walmart, and has even appeared on NBC's "The Apprentice" as an expert adviser on brand characters. Jim lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, two kids and two dogs. Fish Wielder is his first novel.

1 winner will receive a $10 (USD) Amazon Gift Card and a copy of FISH WIELDER
*Gift card is open internationally, but FISH WIELDER can only be mailed to a US mailing address*

Aug 16, 2016

Cover Reveal: Our Love Unhinged by Brighton Walsh

EEEEP! A new Brighton Walsh book is ON THE WAY. And I have part of the epic cover being revealed right here, right now. But first, a little about OUR LOVE UNHINGED:

Once upon a time, two people fell in love. They overcame obstacles. Persevered through challenges. Came together despite the odds stacked against them. 

Now forever and always is within their grasp—he asked, and she said yes. Just a trip down the aisle, an exchange of vows and rings, and they’ll be bound together for the rest of their lives…

But even the greatest love can’t silence fears. 

Our Love Unhinged is the final novella in the Reluctant Hearts series, and is best enjoyed after reading books 1-3 in the series.

Pre-order link:


How could I possibly put into words how I feel about him? How I feel about us? How I feel about the idea of us being bound to each other for the rest of our lives? That it feels as vast and overwhelming and beautiful and terrifying as being on the beach, watching the power and beauty of the ocean as it surges and roars minutes before a tidal wave strikes.

So .... ready for my part of the cover?!

Make sure you check out the rest of the posts to see the full cover!








UNKNOWN by Wendy Higgins

Today's the day! Wendy Higgins' new adult post-apocalyptic book has arrived! Check out more about it below and the giveaway!

Amber Tate believes the worst thing she’ll suffer in life is dealing with the unrequited love she feels for her brother’s best friend, Rylen Fite. She also believes war is something unfortunate that happens places far, far away from her rural Nevada town. She’s wrong on both counts.

When an unknown organization meticulously bombs major cities in the United States and across the globe, a trickle-down effect spreads to remaining towns at an alarming speed—everything from food and water sources to technology and communications are compromised. Without leadership, the nation is split between paralysis and panic, but Amber isn’t one to hide or watch helplessly. She’s determined to put her nursing skills to use, despite the danger, even if it means working alongside the man she can never have. 

In this first installment of NY Times bestselling author, Wendy Higgins’s debut New Adult series, a frighteningly realistic apocalyptic America is brought to life, entwined with searing romantic tension that will leave you eager for more.

About Wendy Higgins: 
Wendy Higgins is the USA Today and NY Times bestselling author of the SWEET EVIL series from HarperTeen, the high fantasy duology THE GREAT HUNT, and her independently published Irish Fantasy SEE ME.

After earning a Creative Writing degree from George Mason University and a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from Radford, Wendy taught high school English until achieving her dream job as a full-time writer.

Wend lives on the Eastern Shore of Virginia with her husband, daughter, son, and little doggie Rue.

Open International:

Grand Prize: Signed Paperback copy of Unknown with Poster, bookplate stickers, and bookmarks
1st & 2nd Prize: digital copies of Unknown (has to be B&N or Amazon user - will be gifted via their email address) plus signed bookmarks and bookplate stickers