Feb 28, 2012

Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Leap Into Books Hop, hosted by the ever-fantastic I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Jinky is Reading.

Wanna know what you're trying to win?

That's right ... it's a mystery box of books. I will tell you this, the box shall contain no less than 4 books (quite possibly more). At least one will be a finished copy and at least one will be an ARC of a book that has not been released yet this year.

This is for the US Only, since I will be shipping it myself.

The only mandatory entry is to follow The Irish Banana Review via GFC.

You can get 5 bonus entries by replying to one of my reviews.

Also? If I hit 1,300 followers during the hop, I will pick 2 winners. :)  Good luck!


  1. Thanks for the giveaway!

    I'm an RSS follower (no google account) if that counts. If not, thanks anyway for being so generous.

    miss_print AT yahoo DOT com

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! OO a mystery box with goodies. Is awesome! :) Great blog you have too. :)

  3. Awesome giveaway! I LOVE surprises! :)

    alexia561@yahoo dot com

  4. Thanks for the giveaway!!

    GFC Savannah Miller

    email savannahm1987@gmail.com

  5. I follow by GFC as Nikki Lynn Hanna


  6. Ooh, I LOVE mystery giveaways!! They are so much fun!!
    Thank you so much for participating in this hop and for the giveaway chance!

    GFC follower robertsongena

    Gena Robertson

  7. A mystery box...how FUN! And guess what...I'm GFC #1300!! WOOT, WOOT!! Don't know if that will bring me any additional good luck, but I'm crossing my fingers! (psst...this is my Bday month too...just sayin'...wink, wink!) Thx for the giveaway op! :)

    barbbattaglia @ yahoo.com

  8. Thanks for a giveaway! I've followed via GFC for a while now, and I commented on your review of Hallowed - I must finish mine soon!


    Aurora Celeste

  9. Love mysteries! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  10. Love this!
    GFC follower: Lauren Mackesy

  11. Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to win! *prays*

    GFC: Lilian Cheng

    +5 commented on review: http://theirishbanana.blogspot.com/2011/05/review-divergent-by-veronica-roth.html?showComment=1330900753812#c8717617488696097349

  12. Following via GFC and commented on Vampire's Kiss. Thanks so much for the chance at this very generous giveaway. :)


I hope you know that every time you comment, an angel gets its wings.

OK, not really, but thanks for popping by!