June 4, 2012
Took the train from Maryland to New York City where we stepped out into the concrete jungle and into ... a huge downpour. Sigh. Not how I wanted my trip to start, hauling a suitcase in the rain without an umbrella (I quickly rectified that situation by purchasing one from a vendor on the street), and got in a cab with my mom and aunt to head for the hotel to check in and wait for my friend, Mariah from Far Escape Reviews.
Once we had our passes, we head down to the 9/11 Memorial. By this point the rain let up and so we didn't get wet while walking around. I can't say enough about the memorial. It was beautiful and serene and somber. The loudest sound was the water roaring from the two fountains. After that it was back to the hotel where we stopped for dinner at this amazing Irish restaraunt around the block. Then we went to the hotel and crashed to prepare for the next day.
June 5, 2012 - Day 1
Dude, I was ready.
Mariah and I got in line, and were really close to the front. Maybe 30 people from the start of the line? We wound up sitting next to a group of girls that we constantly ran into or sat with (I kid you not - all the people at BEA and I saw these four girls all the time): Darla from DforDarla's Definite Reads, Sandy from I'm Reading ... Good For Me, their mom Val, and Lindsay from Just Another Book Addict. These four gals were awesome, and I adored chatting with them. Prior to BEA starting, we see this:
This was all a big promotion for Melissa Marr's Carnival of Souls. It really started to get everyone fired up and moments later they stepped aside and let us all bum-rush them. I mean, go onto the exhibit floor.
Now, I heard a ton of horror stories from past BEA's about pushing, shoving, running, biting ... And while the crowd was intense, I never felt anymore jostled than I would walking down the halls in high school. I'm a Black Friday shopper, so I can handle frenzied crowds. I was not prepared for the massive amounts of books being laying around, ripe for the plucking. I think I got 60% of the books I was craving at BEA in those first 20 minutes.
Anyone who was there will probably agree with me that the Little, Brown / Hachette booth was the worst because it was the best. They laid out about 10 books, and it created this huge vacuum of people. Once you got in the aisle, you couldn't get out. I felt like a fish swimming upstream in a hurricane. It was insanity.

Mariah, Bailey, Renee, and Katie in line for Rift
I also met Renee from Alice Marvels and Katie from Katie's Book Blog in this line. I was thrilled that I was 7th in line for Rift. There wound up being a group of about 7 of us standing in line together and we trading off saving each other's spot so that we wander and make book drops at our suitcases.
After getting Rift, we wandered a bit before heading to the Harlequin Teen Hour, which seemingly took forever. While in line, Mariah went to make a quick book drop as I held our spot. It turned out that I was leaning on the Scholastic booth and I struck up a conversation with a publicist. I told her about my blog, and she told me to hang on a minute and disappeared ... Only to return with a stack of 15 books for me! She gave me all their MG and YA titles to review, took the time to tell me a bit about them, and even managed to dig up a copy of Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Boys for me!
I think one of my favorite moments at BEA was when Mariah returned a few minutes later and just stared at me, saying, "I leave you for fifteen minutes and you got that many books?" By this point, my totes are full and I'm standing there, clutching these new books. While in line, I also got a chance to meet up with Julia from Rex Robot Reviews, who has become my surrogate blogging big sister. Seriously, this girl I awesome and I adore her, and I wish we could've hung out more.

Once that was done, we wandered around, popping in at a few signings, like Kat Zhang's signing of What's Left of Me. We actually left the Javits around 3 because we were just so exhausted. Minimal sleep the night before, plus all the excitement, had left us drained. We were supposed to go to the Teen Author Carnival and we blew it off because we were so tired. I'm sad I didn't get to TAC because I was supposed to meet up with Audrey from Bibliosaurus Text, but she understood how tired I was. Instead we made a quick stop at the post office to mail our books (also found it that it's illegal to take pictures in the post office, hence why there are no pics of the books I grabbed every day), and then go to the hotel.
June 6, 2012 - Day 2
I got to BEA a bit later today. And by a bit later I mean 15 minutes, but those 15 minutes apparently made all the difference because now we were 70 people back from the front of the line to get in. Oh, well, it happens.

The Dark Days signing was epic. I mean, not only did I meet Veronica Roth, but also Aprilynne Pike, Elizabeth Norris and Bethany Griffin. No wonder the line was so monstrous. I think the only lines that rivaled it in size were Chris Colfer's and Lois Lowry's.
This day was mostly spent waiting in lines. Since I had gotten the majority of the books I wanted the day before, I felt a lot more relaxed. I went to a bunch of signings, including Jennifer Armentrout's signing for Cursed (I also went to her signing for Obsidian the day before) and got a picture with her. Again, I cannot express the utter elation that comes at having an author you hero-worship recognize you. Jennifer was such a sweetie. I also met another Jennifer in this line - Jenny (or, as Jennifer Armentrout and I called her, Jen-nay) from Supernatural Snark.
We left BEA around 3 again this day. We were tired, our suitcases were full and there wasn't anything else going on. We again mailed our books (cheering that this time we didn't need the biggest sized boxes to fit all our stuff in), and then headed back to the hotel to chill out before walking around Times' Square.
June 7, 2012 - Day 3

Everyone was saying how crazy the last day of BEA was going to be because the power readers would be there. Several NYC book stores had given out day passes to customers, allowing them into BEA for the last day. If anything, it was the opposite. It was quiet and low key all day. The biggest rush I encountered was the one to grab Poison Princess by Kresley Cole when the floor opened up.

All in all, BEA was a crazy ride. I loved it - I loved being surrounded by people who loved books as much as I did, meeting people I've only ever conversed with via email and texts, and seeing NYC. It was a blast, and I'm definitely hoping I can go back in 2013. If I do? I'm definitely bringing some New Balance sneakers because my feet didn't bother me at all. Maybe a little achy when the day was done, but no swelling or pain. ;)