Interview with Rachel Carter, author of So Close to You.
1. Describe So Close to You in 15 words or less
Government conspiracies, time travel, and a family mystery that goes back several generations. Plus there’s kissing!
2. When did you know you wanted to be an author?
As soon as I could read? When I was in diapers? I am totally that clichéd writer who spent every second of childhood with my head in a book; I’ve always known that I wanted to be a writer. When I was in fourth grade I won a poetry contest because I rhymed beautiful lark with frightening dark. I didn’t even know what a lark was!
3. If you were stranded on an island and could only read 3 books for the rest of time, what would you read?
4. What are your must-haves when writing? Drink, food, music, etc.?
I tend not to eat or drink – I sort of go into a writing coma. But I do need music – soft, cheesy and slow. Kind of like elevator music, except good. Bon Iver and M83 have gotten me through some rough times.
5. What books are you looking forward to reading this year?
I just got City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare. I’m obsessed with Jace and Clary, so that’s at the top of my list!
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