Mar 11, 2015

Keep YA Weird!

Andrew Smith and the folks over at Penguin Teen have a message for you  - KEEP YA WEIRD!

The next big thing I wanted to let you all know about is the Keep YA Weird Twitter chat on March 17th at 7:00pm ESTwith some of our favorite weird YA writers:
Andrew Smith (The Alex Crow)
Jon Skovron (Man Made Boy)
April Genevieve Tucholke (Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea)
Kat Rosenfield (Inland, Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone)
Brenna Yovanoff (Paper Valentine)

In the lead time to this chat, we are running a giveaway through Rafflecopter for free copies of all 6 of the above books, a Keep YA Weird button, and a Keep YA Weird tote bag (all images attached). This will run from 3/9 until 3/18.


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OK, not really, but thanks for popping by!