Mar 27, 2013

Meet the Co-Blogger

Several months ago I decided I wanted needed to attend BEA in 2013 (making it my second year). I also knew I wouldn't want to go it alone. If I learned nothing else my first year it was that a buddy was crucial for my own sanity. Unfortunately the awesome friend who went with me last year wasn't able to go again this year.

I sort of resigned myself to going alone (although my mother valiantly offer to accompany me, but I knew she simply wouldn't get why I was freaking out of a bunch of books), and then I had this .... epiphany and remembered my amazingly sweet cousin who I've watch grow up into a great woman and an avid young adult novel fanatic. We loved gushing about books together, and on a whim I decided to invite her.

She not only accepted, but blew me away with her enthusiasm for BEA, books, and everything a trip like this entailed. One thing led to another, one question bled into the next, and our conversations quickly switched from solely being about BEA to the nuances and details about blogging. I told her she should start her own, but she seemed hesitant. So I asked her if she wanted to write some reviews and help me out over here to get a feel for blogging (truth be told, I have more review copies than I can get to and I still have un-read BEA books from last year). She said sure and shortly after I asked if she would like to try co-blogging with me.

And that, my friends, is how my cousin came to be my newest (OK, and only) co-blogger here at The Irish Banana Review. So, without further adieu, I give you Gabrielle:

My name is Gabrielle. I am a 21 year old book lover.  My favorite genre is definitely Young Adult Sci-fi, although, I will be more then happy to read anything!   When I'm not completely and totaly emeresed in book, I work nights as a Manufacturing Coordinator at a manufacturing facilty.

Where You Can Find Gabrielle:

*BTW, today is her birthday, so make sure you give her a shout-out on twitter!**


  1. Hello Gabrielle! Hope you enjoy your time here! I followed The Irish Banana at just the right time!

    Charlie xx

  2. Welcome Gabrielle, i hope you will enjoy being here with us

  3. Hi Gabrielle! Welcome to book blogging. :)

    1. You know, had it not been for you, Ashley, there wouldn't be a blog. You sold me on blogging and helped me along so much. :)

  4. YEAH GABRIELLE!!!!! So excited you're joining Hannah on the blog and I can't wait to meet you at BEA. Beware, I will be pouncing on Hannah in a most undignified manner when I see her, and you may get caught up in that. You've been forewarned.

    Looking forward to reading your reviews!

    1. You better hope you see me before I see you or it'll be ME doing the pouncing! Seriously, I cannot wait to see you.

      And to think we met less than a year ago in a Jennifer Armentrout signing line.

  5. Thanks everyone! I cannot wait to get started.

  6. Good for you! I'm trying to convince my friend to help me out too!

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