Dec 9, 2014

Review: Zodiac by Romina Russell

Title: Zodiac
Author: Romina Russell
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication Date: 12.9.2014
Pages: 336
Genre: Young Adult, SciFi, Fantasy
Series: Zodiac #1
Source: ARC from BEA

Rating: 5 Stars

Summary (from Goodreads):
Rhoma Grace is a 16-year-old student from House Cancer with an unusual way of reading the stars. While her classmates use measurements to make accurate astrological predictions, Rho can’t solve for ‘x’ to save her life—so instead, she looks up at the night sky and makes up stories.

When a violent blast strikes the moons of Cancer, sending its ocean planet off-kilter and killing thousands of citizens—including its beloved Guardian—Rho is more surprised than anyone when she is named the House’s new leader. But, a true Cancerian who loves her home fiercely and will protect her people no matter what, Rho accepts.

Then, when more Houses fall victim to freak weather catastrophes, Rho starts seeing a pattern in the stars. She suspects Ophiuchus—the exiled 13th Guardian of Zodiac legend—has returned to exact his revenge across the Galaxy. Now Rho—along with Hysan Dax, a young envoy from House Libra, and Mathias, her guide and a member of her Royal Guard—must travel through the Zodiac to warn the other Guardians.

But who will believe anything this young novice says? Whom can Rho trust in a universe defined by differences? And how can she convince twelve worlds to unite as one Zodiac?

I was hoping to love this book just by the cover and the little bit of info in the back. I haven't read anything about the Zodiac before so I was hoping for equally awesome and different.

The world building here is just stunning. Each sign is its own world complete with moons and ecosystem or lack there of. All are in theZodiac which would be the equivalent of a galaxy. They all have seperate but similar governing rulers and advisors. They all have their own contributing factor to their world and Galaxy. It's all so intertwined that I can't believe it's all spread out and not on one world. Definitely a beautiful imaginative world that I would love to go to, when there isn't a galactic threat.

Rho's story didn't stop since page one. There is an energy in this book that just gets you going. Rho gets no reprieve. Everything gets thrown on her at once and she can do nothing but move forward. I love her self reflection moments. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be her, with all of that responsibility and people looking to me to save them.

I love the mystery of Mathias and Hysan. They are like air; ever present and supportive but could be deadly with what they hold or their absence. There is something about about them that makes you hold your breathe around them. They both have this vibe of quite, distant, secretive, and mysterious. I am still left questioning if there are ulterior motives. But in a good way. It leaves you wondering, needing more.

This was a fast paced book. I loved that. Action and emotions on every page. At one point I didn't think there would be anymore. That this was a single book. I am SO glad there will be more. There is an element of surprise at the end that leaves room for so much more and I can't wait for the next one.

Buy: Zodiac by Romina Russell


  1. This sounds pretty complex just from the synopsis, but definitely an intriguing concept. Thanks for sharing your review!

  2. I've read both positive and negative reviews for this one so I'm wondering how I'll like it. Hoping I like it as much as you!

    1. If you like stuff like this then I think you will.

  3. I don't believe in signing but the teacher has given me a task assignment so I thought why don't you see a blog Writing Economics Dissertation Writing Service So I thought first I would be able to read some zodiac major sign

  4. Although I reject signing, my teacher gave me a task assignment, so I reasoned, why not look at a blog for writing hnd assignment help ? I therefore initially believed that I would be able to read a major zodiac sign.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I really loved this book! The characters were so well developed and the plot was really compelling. I didn't want to put it down! event operations-venuearc

  7. I read ZODIAC by Romina Russell and thought it was a great book! She writes in a way that keeps you interested throughout the whole story. It was also interesting to learn more about the different constellations and their meanings. One part that stood out to me was when the character Rhoma Grace finds a laptop from an old office pc server and parts and uses it to find parts to make her own portal. It had such a great commentary on the power and creative potential of technology, and shows what a great writer Romina Russell is.

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