Oct 1, 2015

BFF Blog Hop: Blogger Besties

When your friends ask you to do something - you do it (unless it's jumping off a bridge because .... Oh, who am I kidding? I'd do that, too). When my friends at FictionFare and Swoony Boys Podcast asked me to participate in their Blog Friends Forever Tour, I jumped at it. Meg, Jaime, Kassiah, and Erin have become my Fab Four (that's how I refer to them in my head) in the last few years.

Having hung out with them multiple times at BEA, watched them all 4 jump in whenever I needed a blog tour host, or exchange countless tweets and messages, I can safely say that these four girls are incredible and I am so blessed to know them.  So for my Blogger Besties post, I have to give it up to my Fab Four, whom I love and adore beyond words. I don't say it enough, but I love the phenomenal force that is you four. The way you're always willing to help me and the way to absorbed me into your group is humbling and I am so grateful for each of you.

With Kassiah & Meg .... why do I not have a pic with Jaime & Erin?!
I can't mention Blogger Besties without mentioning my actual bestie, Nicole from Paperback Princess. Blogging brought us together a few years ago and now I can't imagine my life without her. You know how you have that one person who just gets you? Who accepts your faults and your flaws, understands that you can be a hyper whackadoodle or a gloomy gus in the span of 5 minutes but still loves you? That's Nicole.

Nicole, you are my person. Always.

My HarCo bloggers, Jess and Jen. Finding these two within a 2 mile radius of me has been a lifesaver. They never flinch when boxes of books arrive at my house to be sorted, they just ask what time I need them to show up and what kind of pizza (Jess) and cupcakes (Jen) I want. 

I don't say it enough, but thank you both for being there for me even when I am a total, psychotic PITA that you would like to disown.
With Jess
With Jen
My 2 Stephs. Steph and Stephanie brighten my day on a daily basis. From road trips to voxer rants, to makeup trips and blogger tips, you two are the bees knees of bloggers. I'm pretty sure the definition of Stephanie is AWESOMESAUCE with a side of JAMMF.

The Brown One (aka my Amazon Princess) is my brain twin. This girl understands my penchant and drive to organize, prep and plan like no one else. If I ever go to battle, I'm making Stephanie my General.

The Sinclair One (aka my Mini-Mom) is one of the few people I know that just loves to take care of her friends and family. Steph is that person I need in my life to help me see other perspectives and keep myself in check at times.

With Stephanie & Steph
My girls Liza and Andye who I fell in love with one magical rooftop party a long time ago. There is no one else I would rather trade texts with at 7 am. You two have brought so much joy into my life. 

With Andye & Liza
All my YADC friends. You guys never fail to amaze me with your creativity, your beauty and your compassion. I am so blessed to have you all.

So those are MY blogger besties. Now ... how about a giveaway or two?

From The Irish Banana Review:

There will be 3 winners. We are giving away $75, $50, and $25 gift cards to the winner's choice of book retailer.

Follow the rest of the tour for more giveaways!!!!!

October 1st
Otakutwins Reviews – Why I Love Being a Blogger - http://otakutwinsreviews.com
October 2nd
Rattle the Pages – Top 10 Book Bloggers - Rattlethepages.blogspot.com
October 3rd
Mostly YA Lit – Underappreciates Sites - mostlyyalit.com
Books in My Suitcase – Why I Love Being A Blogger - booksinmysuitcase.blogspot.com
October 4th
October 5th
October 6th
Bookish in Texas – Why I Love Being a Blogger - Www.bookishintexas.com
October 7th
October 8th
GReads! – Blogger Interview - http://www.greadsbooks.com
Andi’s ABCs – Top 10 Book Bloggers - http://andiabcs.com
October 9th
Reading the Blues Away – Surprise Post - http://readingthebluesaway.blogspot.com/
Strupag – Top 10 Book Bloggers - www.strupag.com
October 10th
Bibliobeth – Blogger Interview - http://www.bibliobeth.com
Carpe Librum – Blog Besties - http://ccarpelibrum.blogspot.com/
October 11th
The Novel Orange – Why I Love Being A Blogger -http://thenovelorange.com
October 12th
WhoruBlog – Blogger Interview - http://www.whorublog.com
October 13th
Effortlessly Reading – Why I Love Being A Blogger - http://effortlesslyreading.com/
October 14th
HelloChickLit – Blogger Interview - www.hellochicklit.com
October 15th
Hashtag Avenue – Blog Besties - http://www.hashtagavenue.com/
Novel Ink – Top Bookstagrammers - http://novelinkblog.com
October 16th
The Book Bratz – Underappreciated Sites - Www.thebookbratz.blogspot.com
October 17th
Fiction Fare – Surprise Post – www.fictionfare.com        


  1. I have 3! Sarah from One Curvy Blogger, Tika from FangirlConfessions and Blessie from Mischelvious Reads. Thank you for the giveaway!

  2. No blogger besties, just a lot of bloggers that I love to follow. ;) Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  3. I don't have a blogger bestie, but I do have some Blogs that make my life complete and so much easier when it comes to finding the right book.

  4. No blogger bestie yet, just started following.

  5. My blogger besties are probably Alexia from Alexia Reads and Jess from Literary, Etc. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. You know I do Hannah! Thanks for the pictures and the YADC mention. I love you guys :)

  7. Blogger bests are the best and sadly, two of my favourites have since left blogging. I love Jess @ My Reading Dress...hope she comes out of hibernation soon!

  8. I have made some friends since becoming a book blogger and it is so wonderful! I never imagined I'd gain so many friends out of blogging!

  9. AWWWWWWWW! <3 <3 <3 My HarCo bloggest besties! So so soooooo glad I've found you and Jen! And to have found YADC! You all make me love the blogging world so much more (even when I'm ready to give it all up).

  10. Thank you for participating Hannah!! We adore you!

  11. No blogger besties! Just blog love! Love the book community!

  12. My blog bestie is definitely my sister who blogs with me. I'm so glad to have someone to bounce ideas off of. I'm also so glad I found YADC. Looking forward to getting to know that crew better.

  13. No blogger besties, just a lot of different blogs that I follow. :)

  14. I don't have any besties but I do follow and love a whole lot of blogs. They're so many great ones. I've swapped books with a bunch of awesome people too. Thank you for participating in this tour. It's such a fun one.

  15. No blogger besties but I follow a lot of blogs and love reading their thoughts!

  16. I don't have,but I follow a lot of great blogs and they are super awesome :)

  17. I do!! I never thought I'd make friends, TRUE friends in this community, but I have and it's amazing. I got to meet two of them in person at BEA this year, and I'm hoping to meet the last in Chicago. I talk to them almost every single day, and I honestly don't know where I'd be with blogging without them.

    I loved reading this and hearing about your blog besties! It's so wonderful and cool that this community has brought people together like this.

  18. No blogger besties but I have so many blogs I love :)

    Megan @ reading away the days

  19. Yes! Blogger besties are the best! My co-bloggers, Chelsea, Anna and Laura, were my friends before we even started a blog. Not only do we text daily about books, but also about everything going on in our lives. I'm so thankful for blogger friends :)

  20. I don't really have any besties, I stalk a few bloggers that I would love to meet in person. This post is really inspirational though. I am glad you have so many great bloggie friends.

  21. I love you. That is all. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


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