Oct 11, 2015

Harper Winter 2016 Tour: Revenge and the Wild

It's here! It's here! Day 1 of the official Harper Teen Winter 2016 Tour! 45 days of incredible books and bloggers sure to keep you reading your way through winter. I am so excited to kick off today with:

By: Michelle Modesto

The two-bit town of Rogue City is a lawless place, full of dark magic and saloon brawls, monsters and six-shooters. But it’s perfect for seventeen-year-old Westie, the notorious adopted daughter of local inventor Nigel Butler.

Westie was only a child when she lost her arm and her family to cannibals on the wagon trail. Nine years later, Westie may seem fearsome with her foul-mouthed tough exterior and the powerful mechanical arm built for her by Nigel, but the memory of her past still haunts her. She’s determined to make the killers pay for their crimes—and there’s nothing to stop her except her own reckless ways.

But Westie’s search ceases when a wealthy family comes to town looking to invest in Nigel’s latest invention, a machine that can harvest magic from gold—which Rogue City desperately needs as the magic wards that surround the city start to fail. There’s only one problem: the investors look exactly like the family who murdered Westie’s kin. With the help of Nigel’s handsome but scarred young assistant, Alistair, Westie sets out to prove their guilt. But if she’s not careful, her desire for revenge could cost her the family she has now.

This thrilling novel is a remarkable tale of danger and discovery, from debut author Michelle Modesto.

Ready for the awesome prizes we have?

#1 – A Harper Teen Winter 2016 Catalog prizepack of 40+ books*.
*All YA titles in the winter2016 catalog with the exception of The Siren by Kiera Cass, Yellow Brick War by Danielle Paige and Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard.*

#2 – 5 Finished Copies from the Harper Teen Fall 2015 Catalog
5 books are: The Lies About Truth, Walk on Earth A Stranger, Dreamland, Dumplin’, and Velvet Da Vinci’s Tiger

How to enter:
Collect the daily word from each blog stop during the Harper Winter 2016 Tour (a total of 45). Once you’ve collected them all, email the complete saying to: HarperTeenTour@gmail.com

Prize Rules:
1.)    Winner must have a valid US mailing address to receive the prize
2.)    Winner must be over 13
3.)    Only one (1) entry per person for Prize #2 – duplicates will be deleted.
4.)    Only a completed phrase will be accepted as an entry – do not email each word/phrase daily. Wait until you have the complete saying and then email in.
5.)    All email submissions must be received by 11:59 PM EST 11/30/2015.
6.)    Winners will be selected 12/1/2015 and will have 48 hours to claim their prize before another is selected.
7.)    Participating blogs and bloggers are not responsible for unsent, damaged, and/or stolen prizes offered by the publisher.

Today's code word is: THIS


Irish Banana Book Tours Sign Up


  1. Woah, goodness! I've never heard of this book before but cannibals o.o I think that's a first for sure!

  2. I absolutely love the typography on the cover!! It's probably what caught my attention in the first place. And I've been wanting it ever since I added it to my 2016 TBR on Goodreads :D

    ~Karina @ A Reader Under The Sea

  3. Ooooh, thank you for such an awesome giveaway. One thing, it seems that the @JenniferBrownYA is not an author but something completely different. I'm not sure if it has been mentioned and I would like to let you know! My husband is getting me the best present for Christmas! He's planning a trip to BEA in 2016!

  4. I am loving this book. It has such a pretty cover but then you read the synopsis o.O My favorite kind of book!!

  5. This book sounds like it will be really interesting! And the font on the cover is gorgeous! I'm really excited about this tour because I've already discovered several books I'm not sure I would have heard about without it!

  6. I'd be happy to receive any book for the holidays. Thank you for the giveaway!

  7. Books, books, and more BOOKS!!!

  8. Super excited to see the launch of this EPIC TOUR!! And of course, what better way to start it than with an epic book? You mention magic + Western, and I'm already on board.

  9. I've already heard so many good things about Revenge and the Wild. I haven't read western books ever, but with a main character that lost an arm... AND cannibalism? Okay I'm down

  10. I am REALLY eager to read this one! I love the cover and the summary and <3 So much excitement!!!

  11. The cover looks awesome but the books sounds amazing! I'm really excited to read it!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. I can't wait to get my hands on this book - It sounds unique which I totally love! Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!!

  13. I've been looking for something kind of different to read and this seems just up my alley :) I love this blog tour so far PRIZES! DISCOVERIN DIFF BOOKS AND BLOOGERS!

  14. This looks absolutely amazing!! I can't wait to get my hands on it,

    Sondra B(Sorry my gmail overrides my name for some reason...)

  15. I love the couple of Wild West books that are coming out in YA. I always think a "frontier" setting leaves so much room to explore and have dark adventures because the law is more fluid out in the wild.

    I'm really excited to read Revenge and the Wild, and thanks for sharing!! :)

  16. I got this one from EW since you said it was so good!

  17. I want books for my birthday! BUT unfortunately, my birthday was just in July so I have quite some while to wait... Sigh, I am very sad!

  18. I definitely need to read this! It's right up my alley. =]

  19. Wow. This is a lot of books, I haven't entered a contest in forever, but couldn't help myself. I want to win this contest for the holidays, lol!!

  20. I'm loving the western trend recently! Also, I definitely did a double-take when I saw the word "cannibals" in the synopsis!

  21. Revenge and cannibals?! This book sounds fascinating!

  22. Wow okay this tour sounds AMAZING. And I am SO excited for Revenge and the Wild!! It sounds super cool and unique and yeah I wanna read it bad.

  23. What an AMAZING giveaway! This would be like a dream come true!! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  24. What an AMAZING giveaway! This would be like a dream come true!! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  25. Harper Teen is one of my FAVORITE publishers! I cannot wait for so many of these books!!!!

  26. This is seriously an amazing giveaway! I cannot wait for so many of these books and it would be so cool to be able to read and review them before publication!

    I love the cover for Revenge and the Wild!
    Stephanie @ In Wonderland

  27. This is supremely awesome! I love this cover as well!

  28. This sounds really interesting and different from anything else. I want books!!!

  29. ooh this sounds like a good read. Never heard of it before til now

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