Dec 24, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun!

Top Ten Books I Want Santa to Bring Me (in 2014)
***I'm cheating a little because I have a bad habit of buying all the books I want in finished copy form, so this is more about the books I can't wait to own next year!***

You might've seen me posting about this book on twitter yesterday and with good reason. This is the book I am most excited about in 2014. I am such a Kasie West fan(atic), but this book is right up my alley. Also? That cover is beyond stunning.

I may be cheating a bit (a bit more?) as I've already read this one, but I need a finished copy for my shelf. NEED IT.

Another book I've already been fortunate enough to read and simply must own. Sophie Jordan is in top form with this imaginative, thrilling, romantic story. I can't wait for the world to read it.

Yes, I've read this one, too, and need a finished copy. I absolutely adore this series by J. Lynn. If you've yet to fall in love with Cam and Jase and Ollie, then you have some delicious catching up to do.

I could not love this sequel to PIVOT POINT any more. Yes, Kasie is making a double appearance in this feature because I cannot get enough of her books. 

I am so excited and curious to see how Kiera Cass will end America's story. Aspen? Maxon? Who will be the one?

If there was one book that I think will speak universally to every person in 2014, it's The Winner's Curse. This book has it all--action, suspense, romance, deception, and redemption. It is a brilliant start to a new series and Marie Rutkoski is simply amazing.

This is pitched as Romeo and Juliet meets Sons of Anarchy. Line for this one starts behind me.

I love, love Jenny Han. She is such a fun and engaging writer. Her Summer series was one of my favorites, and I cannot wait for this one!

It's Jen Armentrout ... do I really need to say more than that? Really? OK, well I am also curious about the thriller aspect to this. It seems like a break from her normal books (and I use the term "normal" loosely because this girl can write about anything and I'd read it), so it's making me even more excited to read!


  1. I'm starting The Winner's Curse next week Hannah!!! I'm so excited, but also nervous since everyone is RAVING about this book and I'm worried my expectations might be too high going in. I had super high expectations for Anna and the French Kiss though after everyone fell in love with that one, and I ended up adoring it as well, so I'm hoping that's the case here too. I can't wait for On the Fence or Split Second either (Kasie West for the win!), and I absolutely LOVED Avalon and Uninvited. So. Good.

    Merry Christmas my friend!

  2. Ohmygosh these are amazing! I LOVED Pivot Point and Kasie West both, and honestly cannot wait another second for... well, Split Second! And this is the first time that I'm hearing about On The Fence-- but since it's Kasie's... I HAVE to read it XD and I never knew JLA had a new book!! Sounds so interesting <3 I can't wait for Jenny Han's new title either, because I loved her Summer series. The Lonesome Young is new to me as well-- but gosh the premise sounds amazing. And I LOVE that cover! Nothing can beat The One's cover though. So excited for that!! Great picks here <3 Have a merry Christmas :)

  3. Omg The Winner's Curse!! I am seriously dying for that book. I was so jealous when I saw everyone posting on Twitter with pics of their beautiful ARC boxes! But I'm so happy that I'm hearing good things so far. The story sounds like it's going to be amazing. I have an ARC of Avalon! I'm super excited for it. It sounds awesome and I agree, the cover is super cool. Merry Christmas!

  4. Awesome list! I have all of these in my TBR list too (you know great minds think alike, right?) Specially looking forward on On the Fence and Be with Me.

  5. Yes to all of these. That is all. YES!!! The Winner's Curse, Avalon, Uninvited, The Lonesome Young... So many great books on the horizon!

  6. I would love One, Winner Curse, and Uninvited! Great picks, wished Santa dropped off the same books :)

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  7. I am on board with, and in line behind you, for all these books in 2014! I really need to finally read Pivot Point, obviously. And I can't wait for The One- those books have become my new guilty addiction (like Gossip Girl once was).

  8. Amazing list. My to-read list continues to grow and grow. Need more reading time!! xoxoxo

  9. Great list! I am super excited for One


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