Sep 4, 2016

Review & Giveaway: Papillon by A.N. Kang

Meet Papillon, the world's fluffiest kitty - so fluffy, in fact, that he floats through life as he discovers the world. 

I read this book with my three year old niece who was immediately drawn in by the kitty on the front. She loved flipping through the pages and reading about Papillon as he discovered the world - much like she does every day (albeit without floating). Kids can relate the Papillon's adventures and sense of wonder. The pictures are cute and engaging, not overwhelming and cluttered. 

PAPILLON is a fantastic book for little ones that teaches the joys of the discovering the world and the value of coming home to where you're loved at the end of the day.

Papillon is a very fluffy kitty. So fluffy that he's lighter than air! His owner tries to weigh him down, but Papillon just wants to fly. 

One particularly sunny day, he floats right out the window! Exploring the wide world is exhilarating, but it's also a little scary. Will his new friend, a bird, be able to help him find his way home?

Whimsical art and airy text come together seamlessly in this delightful debut by A. N. Kang.

LINKS: Amazon | B&N

 A. N. Kang ( was born in a little town in South Korea, with endless rice fields around her house. She grew up entertaining herself with picturebooks, and drew constantly. After moving to the United States as a teenager, she graduated from art school and began to design jewelry, greeting cards, and holiday installations all over New York City. She now lives and works in New Jersey with her sassy cat, Papillon. This is Kang’s debut.

Tour Schedule:
9/8: Vi3tbabe

3 Finished Copies of PAPILLON (US Only)


  1. OMG, this kitty is so cute I want to hold her and snuggle (if I can catch her that is!). Can't wait to read this book.

  2. Honestly this is the most adorable book cover I've seen for a children's book in a long while. Thanks for giving us a chance to win! <3

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